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Foto van schrijver: Harro MulderHarro Mulder

Bijgewerkt op: 22 jun 2022

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine people that booked their flights or were making travel plans raised some questions about Europe. Is it safe to travel during Ukraine and the Russian war, can we explore Europe in other places, Can I still go to other places in Eastern Europe?

I made a two-minute video trying to explain that even though Russia can be a no go out of political reasons and morals or Ukraine out of plausibility or problems, there is no need to cancel your trip to Europe.

Where can i go?

Well, as I said, most of Europe doesn’t change much because of the war, there might be some sporting events that are cancelled or the gas prices will go up.

We can expect a big outflux of Ukrainian refugees that will go to near countries such as Moldova, Romania and Poland, but this will also not be such a significant change in your travel plans to Polish cities, just like Romania or Moldova. To travel to Europe right now is a green flag. It will not affect your travels.

What if the war continues?

Travelling during a war is something that would feel rather daunting. I can only look at wars in the past to see how the situation could grow. First, when this war starts Europe is not likely to be one battlefield, there will be a lot of words and tension but overall if Russia decides to take up arms to Europe it will start with political matters.

Travels during the COLD WAR

During the cold war, Europe felt unsafe, not knowing what would happen next. This is also the period that Campervans did came popular so it also tells you something about life. Life doesn’t care for human interactions, the world will keep spinning and people will eventually go out and explore. My uncle travelled around Europe during the war and he went to Yougoslavia into divided Germany etc. and said that it was okay to travel through countries as long as you had your passport and your visa’s sorted. So I am expecting that even if WWIII breaks out, people can still travel around.

Travel with Motorhome | RV | Campervan

When travelling with a Motorhome or Campervan, you are so free to go wherever you want, so if places change you can easily drive up to another country where it's absolutely safe.

During the covid pandemic, I travelled around Europe and for one thing it was kind of nice, not having to share the major sightseeing’s with a lot of other tourists.

People like the tourists a lot more now they are less around and you will have no trouble finding suitable camp places, you are welcomed and loved. Europe is a big continent and there are a lot of different countries. So book your flights, make your plans and head this way!

For more info on our long-term rental and buyback programs in Europe, go to our webpage. Feel free to contact me at

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